Toolkit: Resources/Allies to Know

Learn more about other great organizations doing work in this space. Here are some great resources for learning more.

Studio 3 is an international organisation specialising in behaviour consultancy, clinical services, training and coaching in the management of distressed behaviour. They are the originators of the Low Arousal Approach, and strong advocates for the eradication of restraint and seclusion.

Stop Spanking, a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to ending corporal punishment of children. Our mission is to raise awareness of both parents and educators that spanking is violence and harms children. Spanking violates a child’s human right to be free from violence.s.

Therapist Neurodiversity Collective is a therapy, education, and advocacy  collaborative for licensed speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists. TNDC presumes competence, champion human rights, and respect neurodivergent differences.

The U.S. Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that brings together individuals, groups, and organizations to create a unified voice calling for, and working toward, the end of all forms of physical and emotional punishment against children, especially in schools and homes.

Ukeru® is a restraint- free crisis management system that operates under the philosophy of Comfort vs. Control®. Ukeru® provides training in trauma- informed care, de-escalation techniques and physical alternatives to restraint and seclusion.

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