Virtual Restraint and Seclusion Survivor Group

The Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint is starting a Virtual Survivor Group. We have created a Discord community for people who have survived restraint and seclusion. Members will be able to share thoughts with each other, participate in scheduled group activities (e.g., playing games or watching a movie together), and collaborate on projects (e.g., designing new T-shirts for AASR).

Please complete the form to be registered for the group.

Please note this group is moderated by AASR volunteers and is offered as a free service to support the survivor community. The views and opinions expressed within the AASR Virtual Survivor Group are those of the participants and volunteers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint. Be sure to know and follow the group rules and norms.

Virtual Survivor Group Rules

  • Follow the AASR community standards.
  • Keep discussion of sensitive topics (e.g., stories of restraint/seclusion, trauma) in the Sensitive Topics category.
  • Do not reveal any identifying information about group members, even if you know them outside of this community.

Before registering, please be sure that you have a Discord account and username (register at

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